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Latest News
  • APCON 2009

Bio-Int. Technology in collaboration with Histoline Laboratories Participates  the conference in Kolkata.

Venue: Science City, Kolkata
Dated: 18th to 21st December 2009

Do visit us at Stall No-76

Slide Stainer
Histo-Line LST 94 is an economical, programmable, easy-to-use slide stainer for Histology and Cytology. Total capacity of up to 94 slides, 11reagent thanks, one rinsing station. Linear system with operator choice of reagent location. Easy operation, logical menu programming or editing of parameters. The closed fume hood and an advanced exhaust fume cleaning system via large activated charcoal filters prevent exposure to hazardous fumes.
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    iProgram can be changed at any time if  required and can be made according to the user
         is requirement Characteristics.
    iMore then one thousand programs can be made for standardized  Immunostainer  and
        rapid special staining.
    iOne Computer can control several Immuno-Histo Stainers simultaneously.
    iTo ensure the continuity and completeness  of  an experimental running, an external
         power supply can be provided
    iSuch Running conditions as running time and running progress can be clearly monitored
        at any time
    iOpen the system, suitable for reagents of different company
    iSuitable for various kind of specimen: paraffin, refrigerated and punctured microtome
        section, cell  smear and marrow microtome section
    iPrecise micro dropping rate of reagent adjustable to the minimum of 50ul, thus saving
        expensive reagent.
    iDifferent dropping rates of  antibody can be set for different tissue section.
    iExcellent overall sealing keeps the inside environment wet.
    iContents are under the protection of secret code.
    iThe dropper point surface is Tefion treated and can be thoroughly cleaned to avoid
    cross contamination.
    iMovable scavenging gentle air blows off the liquid residue on the tissue sections.
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